M.Z. Naser, PhD, PE
Current students:
Haley Hostteter, MSc en route to PhD student. (NSF Graduate Research Fellow) (ResearchGate) [MSc thesis] [PhD Thesis]
Research topic: Characterizing disability in fire evacuation.
Moe Al Bashiti, MSc en route to PhD student. (ResearchGate) (Google Scholar) [Post MSc defense] [MSc thesis]
Research topic: A new model for predicting fire-induced spalling.
Arash Tapeh, PhD student. (ResearchGate) (Google Scholar)
Research topic: Causal learning in structural engineering problems.
William Qin, PhD student. [PhD Thesis]
Research topic: Machine learning model-driven Bayesian uncertainty quantification in suspended nonstructural systems.
Former students:
Deanna Craig, MSc. (SFPE Graduate Research Fellow) [MSc thesis] [Jezerinac Group]
Research topic: Performance-based design and machine learning in structural fire engineering: A case for masonry. [Thesis]
Aditya Daware, MSc. (ResearchGate) [DCI Engineers]
Research topic: Deriving generalized temperature-dependent material model for masonry through fire tests and artificial Intelligence. [Thesis]
For students/peers interested in joining this research group, please be mindful of the following:
1. A good practice is to go over this group's recent publications to see if you are interested in our work.
2. Feel free to reach out to me directly.
3. Please consider checking out the profiles of my fellow colleagues at Clemson University.
Please feel free to email me for details.
The following scholarships might be of interest to you:
ASCE's O. H. Ammann Research Fellowship in Structural Engineering (Deadline Nov/1)
SFPE's Student Scholar (Deadline April/1)
SFPE's Student Research Grants (Deadline Nov/1)
ACI's Foundation (Deadline July/1)
AISC's Scholarships [MSc students/may require citizenship] (Deadline May/1)